How to Study Effectively: 12 Tricks to Save Time Studying

10 min readNov 25, 2020

Do you spend hours studying, but can’t get good results? Have acquired some good essay writing service but not effect on your grades? Do you have the feeling that you could do much more? Do you have thousands of tasks to do and don’t know where to start? It is possible that you are not realizing your full potential when studying, but do not worry because in this article we are going to give you some productivity tips for students that will allow you to improve your performance.

An essay writing service might come handy when you are too busy with your work. But you must keep in mind that you cannot rely on essay writing service for the end result. A good essay writing service can help you with some or all of your assignments but it won’t be of any help in passing exams. First of all, you should know that lack of productivity is not something that affects you exclusively, you are not a weirdo. Lack of productivity is more common than you think and is that many students do not know how to plan, have difficulty concentrating and have their backpacks loaded with a lot of bad study habits that limit their results.

Before continuing, stop and do an introspection exercise on how you approach the study. If you think you spend the necessary time studying and you are constant, perhaps the reason you do not get the results you expect is that you do not become productive enough. But do not worry, think that you have a lot of room for improvement and that when you apply some of the tips that we will see in this article, your performance will increase incredibly.

Well, now it’s time to get down to work and work on improving your productivity. You are going to have to plan better, learn to improve your concentration and change some study habits. Are you ready to improve your productivity when studying? Then keep reading.

What is productivity?

But let’s not get ahead. As we like to go step by step, we will start by explaining what productivity is. When we talk about productivity, we are referring to the relationship between the results obtained and the time you have had to dedicate to achieve them. Taking this statement into account, we could consider that we are productive when we achieve the best results in the shortest possible time. Do not count any help you acquired from the essay writing service as you don’t have your part in producing that.

An essay writing service might bring down your productivity and at the same time a good essay writing service can increase it as well. For instance you are busy preparing your exam and in the middle of it you get to do an assignment that is non related. This is where you can get help from essay writing service and keep your productivity in line. Imagine an afternoon of study. You start with a subject, you start to review, diagrams, notes, etc. After a while you are quite clear about the topic you were studying, you are happy. Suddenly you look at the clock and panic: you don’t have time to study the rest of the subjects. Does it ring a bell? Conclusion: you have not been productive.

So how do you be productive? Simply being able to complete as many tasks in the shortest possible time. As you can see, it is essential to have a clear relationship between the use of time and productivity. Surely you are wanting to know how you can do much more in less time. Brilliant! In the next section, we are going to give you some advice and tips that will improve your productivity. You are ready?

15 Tips To Improve Your Productivity When Studying

One of the great capital sins about productivity is getting to work without organizing, prioritizing and planning the tasks that we have to do. If we don’t do this pre-work, we may spend the morning working on something that isn’t too important and run out of time to do something that is.

When it comes to studying, the best investment of time you can make is the time dedicated to the organization and planning of tasks. Do not be one of those people who spend their lives running without knowing very well where they have to go.

1. Prepare a to-do list

Prepare a list of all the tasks that you have pending. Try to be as accurate as possible so that you have everything tied up and that there are no last-minute scares. Always have it at hand. This way you will be able to know what tasks you have pending at all times.

In this list, you can classify the tasks according to the subject or the type of action you have to do. Many applications can help you organize your tasks. Search and test until you find the one that best suits what you need.

2. Assign priorities

It is also recommended that you rank study assignments according to priority. This way you will be clear which tasks come first and which can be postponed. For this, you can apply the Eisenhower method, which is a very simple and useful technique to assign learning to distinguish the urgent from the important.

You can get additional help or assign your miscellaneous assignments to a good essay writing service. This is how you can prioritize your work and focus on what is essential. A good essay writing service can also help align your work in a systematic way. To put this technique into practice, we must classify the tasks as urgent (they require immediate action) or non-urgent (they do not require immediate action) and important (they help you achieve your long-term goals) or not important (they do not help you achieve your goals). To do this, we will build a square that in turn will be divided into four parts.

The tasks can be classified according to their priority in the following order:

• Urgent and important tasks must be done immediately.

• Important but not urgent tasks can be postponed but we must pay attention to them and plan them to carry them out.

• The urgent but not important tasks if you can delegate them to someone else do it, and if you are not looking for a space to do them yourself, but they are not a priority.

• Tasks not urgent and not important are tasks that can rule priority if we have more things to do.

3. Plan your study

Once you are clear about what tasks you have to do and what priority each of them has, it is time to plan your daily, weekly, monthly goals … This will be very useful to know where you are at all times and where you have to arrive after a certain time.

Plan in a way that you can or should hire a good essay writing service when needed. Often a good essay writing service can come handy when you have no time for some short assignments or popup essay. It is time to take action. Now that you have a plan, it’s time to execute it. And for this, you will have some tools that will help you be more effective during the study. Do you want to know what they are?

4. Take advantage of apps

If you are studying in the 21st century, why wouldn’t you take advantage of it? Of course, we do not mean that you spend the evenings playing with your smartphone, far from it. But the truth is that many apps can be very useful for you when studying. You can find apps to organize and plan your study, to improve your concentration when studying, to take notes, to organize and share documents, to learn languages, etc.

As you see, the possibilities are endless. Would you like to know some of these applications?

5. Apply study techniques

Some study techniques are very effective and that can help you a lot in the study process and in regards to increasing improving your productivity as a student.

Read faster, summarize better, underline notes, memorize in less time … There are multiple study techniques and each one has a different purpose. Surely you can implement in your routine a study technique that helps you improve as a student.

6. Establish your routine

Try creating your study routine. For this, it is recommended that you always study in the same place (as far as possible) and at the same time. This will help your mind to associate those hours of the day and that place with study after a while, and it will automatically switch to focus mode.

7. Keep your study space organized and clean.

Believe it or not, having a clean and tidy study space is essential to improve your productivity. The reason is simple: having everything in place will ensure that there will be no unnecessary distractions.

On the other hand, you should have a comfortable place to study, and if it can be, with natural light and ventilation. Think that you are going to spend many hours in your place of study, that is why it is so important to take care of even the smallest detail. Having everything under control will improve your experience and prevent you from taking your attention away from what is important.

8. After one task, another

Forget about doing a thousand things at once. One of the fundamental pillars of productivity is putting all your attention on what you are doing, that’s why it is quite at odds with the multitasking concept.

If you intend to do something, try to put all your attention, all your effort into it. When you’re done, you move on to the next task on your list. Remember to keep your roadmap and follow your planning as much as possible.

9. Identify your best moments to study

Surely if you have been studying for a long time, you have realized that you do not perform the same at any time. Identifying your best moment of study will greatly facilitate the planning and performance of the time you dedicate to your learning.

There are people that their peak moment of attention is at night, for others, it is the afternoon and some even assure that the first hour of the morning pays much more. Listen to yourself, become aware of the moments when it is easier for you to concentrate and take advantage of them.

10. Take short breaks during the study

Surely you’ve ever done a study marathon and spent hours and hours without lifting your head from the books. Now think of something. Have you obtained the result you were expecting with so much effort? Probably not. The reason is that to perform well during the study we need to rest from time to time, refresh the mind, stretch the body.

Study techniques with such good results as Pomodoro’s corroborate this statement, so you know. Establish short breaks for the duration of your study if you want to improve your productivity.

In addition to planning and studying, other factors can also help you take your productivity to a higher level. Things like a good diet, exercise and rest are vital to give the best of ourselves.

11. Eat a healthy diet

Yes, you read it right. Believe it or not, eating a healthy diet is very important if you are looking to improve your productivity. Why? Basically for two reasons. First of all, because of the nutrients in the food. As you will understand, it will always be better to have a banana as a snack than a bag of chips. Secondly, for something obvious: we cannot let our attention in a study session be diminished by indigestion.

So, during study time, try to eat a healthy and balanced diet, with fresh food and healthy snacks. And don’t forget the water. Remember to drink every so often to keep your body and brain hydrated.

12. Get some exercise

Don’t worry, we’re not suggesting you sign up for CrossFit or the next New York marathon. We just encourage you to stay active. You can take brisk walks, sign up for dance classes,… A little exercise will help your mind and body, fill you with endorphins and free you from stress.

13. Go to bed early and rest.

Keep in mind that you need to sleep a minimum of hours since sleep is the moment that your body uses to repair itself and it has been shown that during the time you are sleeping, your brain works to consolidate what you have learned during the day.

Besides, if you do not rest well, the next day your productivity will be reduced and you will perform less. To avoid this, the best thing you can do is go to bed early and rest all night.

Forget about watching TV from bed, reading with your tablet or checking email on the phone. If you’re having trouble sleeping, read a lifelong book with its sheets and bookmarks. Do relaxation exercises before bed or have an infusion to help you.

It may be difficult at first to change this and you want to jump out of bed and watch your favorite series on your sofa again, but you still have to resist. Before you know it you will have established this new routine, you will have improved your rest habits and with it, your productivity.

14. Get up early and take advantage of the day

Have you heard that God helps those who get up early? Studies have shown that getting up early increases productivity. Think that first thing in the morning we are more active and full of energy, and, besides, they are usually times when nobody bothers us, so why not take advantage of it?

Set the alarm clock a couple of hours early, get up when it rings, no messing around. Get active with a good shower and breakfast. Exercise if that’s what you like. If you establish it as part of your daily routine you will see how from the first moment you will start the day with strength and you will have much more time for everything, even for your studies.

15. Reward your effort

Think of your study routine as a personal training plan, setting goals for yourself in the time you determine. When you achieve any of the goals you have set for yourself, reward yourself. We are not talking about great gifts or prizes. Simple things like a coffee with that friend or a walk in your favorite park may be enough. These small rewards will keep you motivated and make you more productive during your study time. Maybe all these tips are too heavy for you or you are simply putting some into practice. We do not tell you to incorporate them all at once into your usual routine, but to improve it little by little.

Start by putting a couple of them into practice, and if they work, continue to implement them progressively into your study routine. You will see how in less time than you imagine you will have achieved your goal without problem: improve your study routine and boost your productivity.

(EssayCanvas Production)

